

Alicia schreibt im April 2022:

I have ordered a Siemens four-door-refrigerator incl. 5 years warranty, delivery service and install service. It costed almost 1600 euro. The refrigerator has been delivered on 21.04. Two men who can barely speak German delivered the refrigerator. After unpacking, they were about to leave. I asked them what about installment service, which I paid for? They said they didn't know about that. I insisted that it should be installed because the refrigerator stood shaky on the floor. They said it is because the floor is not even and put a piece of paper under the refrigerator. The apartment is newly purchased. How come the floor is not even?! After they called their supervisor, they told me that someone will come around 2 p.m. for fix the problem. I trusted them and let them go. Of course, no one called me on that day. On 21.04 afternoon I called the MediaMarkt customer service, asking for the installment service. The lady on the telephone told me that it is not their responsibility but Hermes. I was furious. I said that I paid almost 1600 to MediaMarkt, which includes installment. Either you send someone to install and adjust the refrigerator or I will ask the bank to cancel the deal. The bitch said calmly "then cancel the deal!". Does the employee in MediaMarkt ever interested at working there?! On that evening, I suddenly found that there are two damages on the front door, which are blurred during the daylight. That is why I did not see these. Now I want to return the refrigerator. On 22.04, although I had a fever over 39,4 degrees, I called the compliant service instead of customer service again. It was another man on the phone. He asked me if the refrigerator is working. If it is working, he will make the compensation 160 euro for the front door damages. If not, the retour can be started. I said it is not even installed, how can I know if it is working. You have to send someone to install them. The man said, well you can install them by yourself. Are you fucking kidding me?! I was sick, having a high fever. I am only 160 cm. How can I lift the 150 kg refrigerator to fix the wheels underneath and to make the refrigerator stand still?! I was outrageous. Finally he agreed to forward my requirement further (typical German service! They can only forward your requirement further but do nothing else!). On 23.04, my boyfriend, German native speaker and lawyer, called MediaMarkt again, asking for the arrangement of installment service ASAP. After the verbal fighting over 30 min. they agreed to send someone on 25.04 to install the refrigerator. And we asked them to me 30 min. before they arrive. On 25.04 about 09:45 when I was in the middle of meeting in the office, I was called. Someone said he is in front the entrance door. I asked him why he did not call me in advance as we agreed with MediaMarkt. I told him that I need 20 minutes to get home. He said he will be my 30 minutes later. I rushed home about 10:10. No one showed up till 10:20. Then I got a call again, being told that he will come to my home in 20 minutes. Finally they showed up shortly before 11:00, which is 45 minutes later as scheduled. They fix the wheels and the disgusting man was touching me more than once on my arms and back without my consent! Is sexual harassments normal standard in the Media Markt?! I called the compliant service on 26.04 again, following up the compensation topic. All of sudden, I have to send them the photo as evidence. I sent them the photo as requested. Now, on 27.04 Media Markt send me the email, agreeing to compensate only 100 euro for all the drama and sexual harassment I have been through! What kindly of the company with such low working ethnic and efficiency is this? Shame on German corporate and service!

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